Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented (Grades 3-5)

Participation in the GT (Gifted and Talented) program requires that the student attend GT class one day per week for approximately one-half of the school day. Grades will be based on homework, classwork, projects, and tests.

Classes are scheduled in such a way that your child will return to his or her regular classroom at the end of the day in order to get assignments and work missed during the day.

Please email Dr. Kristy Garrett with any questions about our GT Program. 

Definition and Description of Program

The program specifies the requirements and procedures for identifying gifted and talented students. The purpose of the identification process is: (1) to find students who display characteristics of the gifted and talented (i.e., ability or potential for high performance in academic areas); (2) to assess the aptitudes, attributes, and behaviors of each student; and (3) to evaluate each student for the purpose of placement. This description of the identification process reflects the South Carolina definition of gifted and talented.

Students with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment.

These students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in specific academic fields. They require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the schools.

Outstanding talents are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.

Criteria Used in the Identification Process

Reasoning Abilities

Reasoning abilities are those higher level cognitive processes that reflect general aptitude for thought-strategies such as inferring, analyzing, and problem solving. National normed tests are used. Students must demonstrate high aptitude in one or more areas.

High Achievement in Reading and/or Mathematics

Achievement refers to academic performance in the areas of reading and/or mathematics. Students must demonstrate high achievement in either or both areas as measured by nationally normed achievement tests (SC Ready or iReady).

Intellectual/Academic Performance

Intellectual/academic performance is the student’s demonstration of a high degree of interest in and commitment to academic and/or intellectual pursuits. Students may demonstrate intellectual characteristics such as curiosity/inquiry, reflection, and persistence/tenacity in the face of challenge and creative productive thinking.

Students who meet the eligibility criteria in at least two out of three dimensions are eligible for gifted and talented academic services.

Printable Handout (PDF)


Click Here if You Would Like to Refer Your Child for Consideration to Be Evaluated for the GT Program

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