Student and Staff Safety is our #1 Priority
Spartanburg School District 2 is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all students and staff. While publicly sharing all of the safety measures we have in placed would not be appropriate, below are some of the steps we have taken:
- At least one full time dedicated School Resource Officer at each campus
- Cameras in each building and an our school busses
- Safety/Emergency Plans that are reviewed and revised throughout the year
- Practice necessary safety/emergency drills
Staff training (SafeSchools Training, Active Shooter Drill, Blood Born Pathogen, Slip/Trip/Fall etc.)
- Crisis Response Team & First Responder Training (CPR/AED/Stop the Bleed trained)
- Facilities have crisis response kits, stop the bleed kits, and trauma kits
- Emergency communication plans in place
- Front entrances equipped with speakers/camera and School Check-In system
- Online, anonymous reporting tool on all websites (S.O.S.)
- Monitor student online activity via Gaggle
- Threat Assessment Team developed to determine the safety of students